Thursday, November 20, 2008


While writing an email tonight, I had this realization of sorts. I have been working in the electroplating department. We are working on helping to keep some very old machines running - hopefully for years to come. We are also improving the appearance of the overall department. It dawned on me tonight that this is restoration work. Wow, all of the sudden this work has much more value - much more urgency. Actually, in thinking a little bit more about this, so much of what I do does have a deeper meaning. For example, most of the cost saving work that I do involves material optimization and conservation. This means that valuable resources are being used as optimally as possible - stewardship.

Pretty cool!


1 comment:

Trent said...

Pretty cool,T.

I think sometimes this stewardship thing is like worship. Just acknowledging God and respecting the stuff we've been given.
