Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It Stinketh

Last night, I was trying to find a pair of clean gym shorts. I have several shorts but was unable to locate any clean shorts - even after rummaging through the futon supporting the clean clothes pile. Flustered, I started checking around the house. As JDM has noted, clothes have a tendency of finding rather random locations in my house. Still no shorts. Finally, I opened up my gym bag. Wow, the odor emanating forth from that bag about knocked me to the ground. It stanketh big time. That's the way it is sometimes.

Yesterday, stunketh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It stinketh when it seems like a good friend never talks to you once they get married. Granted, we have both been busy and maybe I've been a stinketh friend. I think about you a lot though if that helps. Sorry if I, like your gym shorts, stinketh.