Sunday, March 22, 2009


First, I need to make a correction. Ben actually said, "suffocating." My apologies on this quote being incorrect.

Second, it is great to be at home this evening. Since Thursday morning, I have been home all of about 9 hours (mostly sleep). I had a meeting, a great visit to Rensselaer, a lock-in, a birthday party at Grandma and Grandpa's, a 10.2 mile run followed by a walk with Jan, and a campfire at Aunt Lois'.

So this past week, I have been thinking a lot about sheep and shepherds. When I was in second grade, Mrs. Harrison's class (my class) and Mrs. Beatty's class (the class that shared a retractable wall) took a field trip to my house. Yes, I can still see the big yellow limousine parked in the middle of the yard. We took a field trip to see the sheep shearing at our barn. Actually, now that I think about it some more, this was preceded at some point by a visit from my dad and a lamb to our classes. This was a very cool day for me because how many kids actually get to take a field trip to their own barn?

This morning, I was taking a much needed break in the "office" and continued reflecting upon John 10. Well, now it is too late to finish this so I'll finish tomorrow.

Take care,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a very suitable book of the bible to be reading in the "office."