Thursday, March 26, 2009


Last evening, my eyes rested on one of my bookshelves that contains a lot of my school books from over the years. For some reason, I just started reading through some of the titles.

Of course, chemistry titles abound:

Solid State Chemistry
Computational Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Medicinal Chemistry
Classics in Total Synthesis
Name Reactions
Contemporary Polymer Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Organic Synthesis

However, situated among these books are other titles:

Engineering Mechanics
Economics of Today
Organizational Behavior
Educational Psychology
Fundamentals of Business Law
Financial Statement Analysis
History of Education in America
Jesus the Christ
Modern Geometries
The Western Experience
Project Management Methodology
Abstract Algebra

Both lists have many other additional titles.

Yet, last night this left me a bit troubled. A conversation today did not help to ease this unease. Today, during the conversation, the idea of filling a niche came up discussion.

According to, niche is

2 a: a place, employment, status, or activity for which a person or thing is best fitted

Despite trying out many different subjects, I've never really found my niche.

However, I've started to wonder if that could be my niche - knowing a little about a lot, having interests in different disciplines, willing to try out new things (biking and running last year, this year maybe something new). I don't know for sure but I'm starting to like it.

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