Sunday, March 29, 2009

Here I Am/The Love Story

Recently, the church hosted a book group to discuss The Shack. I've mentioned this book before and don't really want to write too much more about the book itself because I highly recommend that you read it. If you want to borrow my copy, just let me know!

The book offers the reader the opportunity to glimpse into experiencing the relational (Triune?!) God - the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. A God who loves, laughs, cries. A God who wants to know each of us in an intimate way. This God stands in stark contrast to the God envisioned in many circles - distant, inactive, judgmental.

This morning, Jenn and I went to Mass at St. Dominic's. We sang a song with this refrain:

Here I am, standing right beside you.
Here I am, do not be afraid.
Here I am, waiting like a lover.
I am here. Here I am.

The first time singing this refrain, I came to the part, "waiting like a lover," and kind of stumbled over these words.

God, a lover.

This is still something very difficult for me to grasp. However, I'm starting to understand this a little bit more as time passes. Understand this wonderful love story - of love so deep, so perfect, so beautiful. A story of love - unconditional love. A story free of condemnation. A story filled with joy. A story of sacrifice - the ultimate sacrifice. A story of life - new life.

The true love story.

1 comment:

Justin said...

Kinda scary, isn't it, thinking of God as lover! First because it's a foreign concept, but then eventually because it's so frighteningly MUTUAL! It's not enough for me to just attentively listen for commands. He doesn't want to give me commands, just like a father doesn't want to have to keep telling his son to keep pedaling to stay up. What, you mean You trust me!?