Sunday, March 8, 2009

One Year

Well, about a year ago, Trent mentioned this thing called blogging and suggested that I start a blog. I had never really heard of this phenomenon and didn't really know what to think of it. However, tomorrow this blog will officially reach the one year mark. So just now, I checked out the first entry

"For now, the title of the blog is Keeping it Real. I'm not exactly sure why or what that even means. Maybe we'll find out. Stay tuned for thoughts, ideas, or perhaps a rant from time to time."

After one year, I'm still not sure what Keeping it Real means. However, in thinking back over some of the posts, they included some real sorrow, some real frustration, some real confusion. Yet, they also included some real joy, some real anticipation, and some real enthusiasm.

Friends, keep it real!


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