Friday, March 13, 2009

Fish Fry

Tonight, I went with the McGrews to the annual fish fry at St. Isidore's Hall. This fish fry is a pretty big deal in B-town and the place was packed as usual. Keith and I were pretty excited about this thing, well, all week long. There is just something about a good fish fry - the fish, the people, the community.

One thing I really like about this fish fry is that the helpers bring the fish out to the tables in baskets - baskets that never seem to be empty - baskets seem they never stop coming. Everyone leaves (overly) satisfied)

Okay, some of you probably know where this is going.

On Wednesday, Keith shared some reflection about Jesus feeding the five thousand.

"How many loaves do you have?" he asked. "Go and see." When they found out, they said, "Five—and two fish." Then Jesus directed them to have all the people sit down in groups on the green grass. So they sat down in groups of hundreds and fifties. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish. (Mark 6:37-43)

I wonder how many opportunities exist using just what we have to do amazing things.

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