Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Man's Orchestra

I'm writing this in response to a recent inspirational, ingenious, and thought-provoking post by Trent.

Every man is his own orchestra. His inspiration comes from beans, beans, and, well, beans.

Beethoven. Bach. Purcell. Hadyn.

Yes, their music is beautiful, relaxing, and peaceful. Yet, there is nothing quite as sonorous as a nice out. When running or riding bike, it provides that extra boost. It is a source of jokes - my favorite being, he who farts in church sits in his on pew. A friend frequently comments that he enjoys his orchestra. I still vividly remember one of my co-workers in Indianapolis describing his butt-trumpeting... tah tah tah tah.



Even the technical terms seem to just flow off the lips.

There is nothing quite like the reverberation of a nice eructation release in the woods or on the lake. I confess that sometimes when I press the copy button at work it is like a signal passes from my finger to, well, you get the idea, and this release happens.

Claim it.

Take pride.

Enjoy the music.


Trent said...

can you do harmonies with that thing?

Jan D-M said...

Okay, so this gives a twist to a favorite quote--"You can't whistle a symphony, it takes a whole orchestra."

Chuff said...

You are so incredibly weird. It amazes me.

"A Belch is just one gust of wind,
That cometh from thy Heart...
But should it take the downward trend,
It turns into a Fart"

Anonymous said...

what about a woman's orchestra?? HAHA! oh wait, women don't do that. psh!