Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Today, we had our health screenings in preparation for the new health care plan.

(First, a side bar... I couldn't find my swipe key to get into the plant. It is a virtual fortress without they key. So I waited around for someone to come to the door at the shift change and then raced up to the designated screening location. It was vacant. I immediately thought, "Oh, crap. I rushed around and it wasn't even today." Well, tt had been relocated upstairs.)

Of course, upon getting to the top of the stairs, one of the people running the screening asked for my name.

"Todd Huff," I replied.

"Huff?" one of the workers replied.

They continued on by saying that they were waiting for me. They had seen a sign at the training room located in the Bremen facility. The sign says:

Caution: Huff at Work

I'm not sure if this is good or bad, but they proceeded to hear two shifts worth of commentary on me.

One thing I can say for sure, though, is that this made the health screening a most enjoyable experience. It was like this was an ice breaker. At each step in the screening, the conversation just continued merrily along. In fact, I heard about their experience with the Bremen Inn. The lady even showed me pictures!

So really, this taught me a lot about connections. I certainly had no idea that a goofy sign put up by my coworkers would have such extended ramifications.

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