Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Locked In

Tonight, my extreme strength (right) got a little out of control. The high temperature as of late have caused my front door to warp. Unfortunately, it warped in such a way that the deadbolt would not slide open when I turned the twist knob. This evening, I wanted to open the door to go onto the front porch, and when I turned the twist knob, it sheared right off the deadbolt. So for now, I can only use the side door. Of course, I tried a few things and then decided my time would be better spent running. Maybe D.J., one of the maintenance guys at work, will have a strategy for getting this door open!


Trent said...

Do I need to bring the chain saw over! LOL

Chuff said...

Haha Trent! It would be a little overkill, but I like your thinking!