Thursday, June 12, 2008

What's your passion?

When I was a freshman in college, my advisor posed this question. I ended up writing a paper about my passion. As I look back, I'm kind of in shock at the contrast between what I wrote about and where I am right now. (I don't know if this is good or bad, right or wrong. All I can say is that they are very different.) I have been reading some things that have left me fairly unsettled. In Irresistible Revolution, Claiborne writes:

"What an extraordinary thing it must have been to sit around a table with that eclectic mix of Zealot revolutionaries, Roman tax collectors, peasants, Samaritans, prostitutes, and fishermen, all conspiring to find a radical new way of life. In the early church, whenever converts sought baptism, their entire careers were reimagined. Just as baptism was a symbol people's dying to their old lives and rising to new ones, so there was the very real sense that the old ways of living were gone and something new was here."

I really like some of the words he uses, eclectic, conspiring, radical, reimagined.

I have been a in a rut this week. I hate it. It is a symptom of something much deeper.

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