Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Taking (a picture of) a Leek

You might recall from the last post that I discussed the cooking of my wonderful almost-wife, Jenn. Well, last evening we were just relaxing for a few minutes and Jenn was sharing her plans for the St. Patrick's Day meal. She said that she was planning on making corned beef and cabbage and potato soup. I'm thinking that sounds awesome. But then she throws in a curveball of sorts.

Jenn says, "Oh, I need you to pick up some leeks and chives after work."

I'm thinking, "Leeks, what the heck are leeks? Isn't leek something you have to take when the bladder is about to burst?"

"Oh, sure," I reply. "Just one problem, though, I'm not sure what a leek is."

We proceeded to look up leek on Wikipedia and I felt confident that I could find them in the produce section at Target.

So today after work, I set off on the mission for leeks and chives. At the produce section, I see these things labeled leeks. They are HUGE - much larger than I expected to see based on the picture.

I grab the leeks and chives and head up to the cash register.

The cashier asks, "What are these?"

I reply, "Don't worry, I had no idea either. They are leeks. My fiancee is making an Irish dinner for St. Patrick's Day."

The lady behind me comments, "Oh, we just go to the Irish pub."

I said, "My fiancee really enjoys cooking. I'm extremely thankful for that.."

They said that they would be, too!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I am so glad that my bathroom was clean!